and it takes an I to complete this riddle. So let us hold fast to saying the same thing.



its been weeks since my last visit to any social networking sites and my blog, so i reckon i should write something new and fresh, which is what i'd intended to do before i step foot into this loud and surprisingly comfortable cyber cafe near INTI. but for now i have nothing to write about. yes, i do blame it on the PMS cuz that seems to be the only reason why i decided to ruin other people's day lately. the victims include my precious loved ones and i am definitely not proud of giving them a hard time but honestly, it gave me a sense of pleasure, even for a little while.

god, punish me for i have sinned.

wth, all of that doesn't seem to matter anymore because PMS or crazy moody myra or not, i know that there's a special someone who's always been there for me,
just waiting for me to come back and become me again. So i apologize for all the unnecessary anger, sulk and among other silly "stunts" that i have pulled.

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