and it takes an I to complete this riddle. So let us hold fast to saying the same thing.


of cute white rabbit

Okay I'm taking a break from studying for my very very important test tomorrow to write about something that has been on my mind lately.

A cute fluffy white animal with the most adorable looking pair of ears and teeth and paws. 


I've been dying to get a white rabbit. Not like the one in Alice in Wonderland tho, he's a mess. haha. This one talks less and doesn't throw away cups up in the air. Preferably any kind of white rabbit, erm, better if it's a baby rabbit cuz I wanna be able to hold the cute creature on my palms. Yeah, treating a pet the way it should be treated. Caring for them, feeding them, stroking their furs with the utmost affection and love. Sorry poor old hamsters you're way too hyperactive and wild for me to do any of that. I'm scared you might run away the very moment I open the cage. :P

My cute fluffy bunny munching some sayur which i actually fed!

Just look at how cute she is! I didn't know a rabbit could actually do split while lying down. 

So yeah, for my upcoming 20th birthday which is just around the corner, exactly 29 days if you ask me, I'm hoping dad would be kind enough to get me one. Everyone is opposed to my idea of bringing in another pet into the house. 2 rotting Roborovski is hard enough to handle, what more with another rabbit. Come on, it's only selling for RM30 each. :)

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