and it takes an I to complete this riddle. So let us hold fast to saying the same thing.


ohmygawd i think im going crazy over a pink vehicle

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod i think I'm in love!! with this car right here!! it was parked just outside Royale Bintang. Just look at the colour and sparkles! I have no idea what kind of car it is actually but wth. I had a good chance of touching it all over (since its pink and all) before the owner of this cute car came and gave a suspicious look at me for staring and touching it.

Someday I'll own you.

Let me end this post with my current abundant supply of snacks yay! :)) Enjoy!

I've got chips, crackers, cookies, chocolates, sweets and a new bottle yippee! 
My life is now complete lol XD

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