and it takes an I to complete this riddle. So let us hold fast to saying the same thing.


musings of the troubled mind

It's a very lazy Sunday and I have done nothing productive. Well, yet. Be packing my junks away soon enough cuz I'll be headed home tonight. Say hello to home-sweet-home?

Ahh. :)

Anyway, I know this is probably the last thing anyone wants to read about, so don't really be bothered and go on open a new tab or whatever.

So, I've been contemplating on changing the whole look of my tumblr and today I finally did it. For the 3rd time. Let's just hope this one lasts, well, forever.

Added a hint of personal touch to it. No major renovations whatsoever. Tho it must be hard on some to locate it. My old one's more easy on the tongue.

I just adore this one the most. Nothing over the top. Minimal. Cause I'm simple that way.

Okay enough crap for the day.

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