and it takes an I to complete this riddle. So let us hold fast to saying the same thing.


the thing with Monalisa

Why on Earth does the fonts here come out really small?its tiny for godsake. not everyone has a microscope you know.

lets get to the point: i am in need of a helping hand from just about anyone to help me solve the unsolved puzzles of my dear Monalisa. anyone? lagi 500 lebih je lagi yg tinggal. dont worry bahagian tepi yg paling penting dah selesai, so yeah.. ;O
okay im not gonna lie. it is quiet tough sebab ade banyak parts that comes in around the same colour. well atleast the face is done. and the hands. having problems with the chest tho. especially the background. ceh. ingat nak siapkan foreground dulu. tapi skrg byk lagi background yang dah cover. oh yes im a very good procrastinator(did i get d spelling right?)

got my hair stuck with glue this morning.

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