and it takes an I to complete this riddle. So let us hold fast to saying the same thing.


im wide awake

Im wondering when this insomnia is going to end. 
haven't had enough sleep since i don't know when.

argh. these sleepless night has got to end! seriously. assignments are piling up like crazy and im currently in the midst of a financial crisis. how i wish i was a spoiled brat. sigh. they never have to worry about not having enough $$$. but im thankful for my parents, especially dad who is such a cheapskate, for giving me a rm200 allowance per month. so much for being independent. i can now stand on my own two feet without the help of anyone. bullshit. duit nak fotostat nota pun tak cukup sampai terpaksa hutang ngan membe sampai belasan ringgit.

and what's up with boys who never seem to understand the fact that when we say NO, we mean YES?


Izz said...

no is no la sayang :p

Izz said...

and btw, i kan ade bagi u ur allowance :p