and it takes an I to complete this riddle. So let us hold fast to saying the same thing.


Let the force be with me.

Today I woke up feeling sexy and hot.

Okay that is such a misleading statement.
But it's a fact and I ain't taking it back. :)

Anyways, despite only being able to force myself out of the bed at 1pm, I'm in  a jolly mood to study. Oh thank god. Finally.

And it's one of those feelings which you rarely feel when everyone around you is non-chalantly studying their ass off for the finals, you know, by going out for movies, hanging out, shopping and stuff. Shopping's way too time-consuming. My studying technique is WAY more efficient, consistent and more importantly; it doesn't cost a thing. It's proven to be very effective. Up until today. And ofcourse I'm not gonna share it with you.

Talk about guilty pleasures. ;)

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